Digital Technologies has evolved from the old ideas of basic computer skills for Microsoft Office to a subject that is potentially exciting, dynamic and innovative. Because computers and what we can do with them are continually changing, the subject is forever evolving.

There are 5 main strands in Digital Technologies:

Digital Technologies is also part of the Technology area in the curriculum. This means that students also have the opportunity to learn about how Technology projects are developed. They are exposed to the Nature, Knowledge and Practice of technology. This means that there is the potential for developing many interesting courses within Digital Technologies. There is something for everyone and students are well prepared for a bright future as they develop 21st century skills. There are also a wide range of potential career prospects open to students of Digital Technologies. There is something to suit everyone whether users, designers, facilitators, managers or programmers. The future is exciting and students can be a part of creating it. Studying Digital Technologies is only the first step.

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